The Trick To Getting What You Want

For many of us, there are obstacles that stand in the way of how to get what we want. Why is tha...

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the detox with essential oils everyone is trying

The quality of our life and health is greatly affected by the many choices that we make throughout o...

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a mother's day gift idea you cannot pass up!

You seek balance: in life, work, relationships, and your skin tone. Every woman that I know ...

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the key to opening your heart

I hear people tell other people what to do and how to live their lives, often. People tell you, "Jus...

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why you need to buy local organic foods

You might not be able to buy happiness, but you can create happiness and abundance in your life thro...

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i bet you need help getting motivated!

Do you ever sit there and think, W hat's it going to take for me to get off my butt and do somethin...

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all you have to do is practice

Do you want to be the absolute best version of yourself that you can be? I know I do. I do it the ...

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your body is not a trash can

Your body is not a trash can, don't treat it like one.  Give it the love and respect it deserves.

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the most beautiful things are not always seen but felt in our hearts

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aren't you ready for a slim, sexier you?

7 Days. Delicious Smoothies. Great Recipes. No Hunger. A Slim, Sexy, New You. Are...

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the future is always coming - enjoy the present before it slipped away

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at the end of every pathway is a new beginning

Sometimes it feels like your life as you know it is going to end.  ou can't figure out how to pick u...

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embody peace

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you may not know what the future holds but you do you know you hold the future?

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too much sunscreen can deprive you of vitamin D

It's so important to wear sunscreen to protect yourself from wrinkles and skin cancer, even during t...

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raw kale salad with avocado and mandarin oranges

In need for a quick meal?  How about a little kale, avocados, mandarin oranges, sliced onion, fuji a...

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crispy banana chips

In need of a sweet but healthy treat? Make your own banana chips! Just slice bananas, drizzle in lem...

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is your new year's resolution this year to take get back in shape?

Every year it’s the same old thing, right? You resolve to lose weight, exercise more, get healthier....

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roasted brussels sprouts recipe

Brussels sprouts got a bad rap when we were kids. Our moms probably boiled them with no seasoning at...

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eat more raw food so you can be rawsome!

Are you aware of the power of raw food? It clears your skin, boosts your energy, and is loaded in vi...

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Let's connect on Instagram @hayleyhobson