Sooooo, have you heard the big news Instagram dropped on us?
This happened a couple weeks ago but it has ruffled some feathers in the marketing space.
So I’m wondering how YOU feel about it…
Long story short, Instagram announced they’re moving away from being primarily a photo sharing app…
They wanna really lean into video.
So what does this mean?
Well, it means if you want to keep using IG for your biz… you gotta get up to speed on the video features inside IG.
Primarily Reels…
But there’s good news.
I have a LIVE Instagram Tutorial Workshop you can sign up for!
There are two time slots to choose from on August 10th and August 11th…
I’ll tell you more about it here in a bit, but the link if you wanna check it out is:
Ok, so back to the big news coming outta Instagram.
That they’re moving toward prioritizing video-based content.
Now you may be wondering…
WHAT THE HECK, Instagram??
That’s what I’ve been hearing from the non-video fans.
So let me tell you why.
Basically to compete with the newer video platforms like TikTok.
As to why?
Well, as a business owner, in the back of your mind, you know why.
Think about it this way.
App-based businesses make their money from advertising revenue… and much of THAT is based on number of downloads.
PLUS engagement and eyeballs on screen. It allll matters.
And both Instagram and Facebook have been slowing down on their monthly downloads… while platforms like TikTok and other similar video-based ones are taking off.
Younger people are creating and watching mobile video content allllll the time. So yes, it makes sense that IG would wanna get in on that before it’s too late.
So before I share what this means for your BUSINESS…
Let’s talk about you as an Instagram USER.
In terms of what this means when you open your Instagram app, it LIKELY means that the very first thing will be swipe-up videos as your primary feed.
I’m imagining it will be like the reverse of what it is now… where posts with images are your primary feed and Stories are shown at the top.
Right now Reels have a separate feed you can tap into.
So my gut says this is what’s most likely to be different.
Like Stories and Reels will be your default view… and you can tap over to see image posts.
If you’re not into video content, this will probably be annoying AF. LOL
But will it be annoying enough that you stop using it?
Who knows.
We have to wait and see. Instagram hasn’t shared WHEN exactly all this is happening.
But there’s GONNA be some backlash… especially from peeps who have had IG for a really long time.
Ok, so let’s talk about what this means for your BUSINESS.
Well, if you use Instagram as one of your primary marketing channels… my friend, you’re gonna wanna learn how to do video.
There’s no good way around this, unfortunately.
BUT -- I wanna offer you a simple mindset hack that’s gonna change everrrrrything.
And that is?
Give less EFFs. LOL
What I mean by that is… you do NOT have to have this super polished, totally perfect video for it to have impact.
In fact, that sort of content… well, it’s not as compelling.
Remember, social media is about CONNECTION.
Are you authentically perfect?
No one is.
Except Jason Momoa. LOL
But anywayyyyyyy… the way Instagram works for your biz is totally gonna change.
For example, if you rely heavily on written captions to go with your posts.. Well, that’s not how videos work.
Instead, you’ll have to rely on storytelling and your literal VOICE to get your message across.
Obviously this requires a bit of a strategy and creativity shift.
But it CAN be done. I promise you.
The other thing that will probably happen is that certain kinds of businesses and brands -- who rely heavily on static images -- may choose to leave.
Like, photographers for example. Or artists.
Of course, I personally think ANYTHING can be turned into a story or short-form video… but for a lot of people that feels like too much work.
They’d rather leave entirely.
Which, in my opinion, actually is MORE work to find another channel!
That’s a conversation for another day, but the point is… Instagram WILL experience turnover.
And you should plan to be prepared for it -- and think about how your audience… your COMMUNITY… is likely to react, as well.
Now here’s a truth bomb I wanna drop on ya…
You have an OPPORTUNITY -- RIGHT NOW -- to be a leader in helping your community adjust.
You can -- and SHOULD -- start practicing with your Stories and Reels… so when these changes come… you are THERE for your peeps on Day 1.
You can help make them feel comfortable.
If you start putting out video-based content now… they’ll see what you’re up to.
They’ll vibe with you while they’re still able to see your posts in their primary feed…
And when the switch happens… you’ll still be there.
But in the new version of their feed.
So you haven’t left them in the dust.
They don’t have to hunt to find you…
Because lemme tell ya… literally NO ONE does that on social media.
So you gotta meet them where they’re at.
AND where Instagram is directing them the moment they open the app.
Make sense?
The point is…
If you’re on the ‘Gram for your biz… and you aren’t currently using features like Stories and Reels…
It is time to learn.
Now, you could ask your kid… or your niece, nephew… very young coworker… whatever…
But do you really want your teacher to roll their eyes at you?
Or judge you for deciding to use Montell Jordan’s throwback banger “This Is How We Do It” as your background music? LOL
I didn’t think so.
So instead, come to my next Instagram Tutorial Workshop.
There are two dates in August:
Tuesday the 10th… from 9:30 - 11:30am Pacific… which is 12:30 - 2:30 Eastern…
Or on Wednesday the 11th from 4 - 6pm Pacific… 7 - 9pm Eastern.
You can choose which day and time work for you…
But I really wanna let you know.
There are NO REPLAYS.
This is a class I charge $97 for as a digital product on my website in my product suite … BUT if you join LIVE it’s totally free for you.
That’s why I want you to RSVP so I know you’re coming.
If you can’t make it live, but you still want a recording, no worries, you can buy the training for $97.
But it’s actually better if you join the live event. And it’s free. Lol.
The energy is AMAZEBALLS when people are there together.
That’s where you can choose your day and time to come to the workshop.
You’ll find the link in the show notes and in this week’s newsletter.
So let me tell ya a bit about what you’ll learn in the workshop.
You’ll learn the #1 strategy to make your time on social, truly effective.
This strategy drives EVERY. SINGLE. POST. VIDEO. OR STORY you create on Instagram.
So you gotta know it, ok?
Next, we dive into the training portion of how to use Instagram.
I literally guide you through the steps -- showing you on my phone.
I guide you through the process of creating a Story.
And pro tips to use it for your biz.
Not just so you get engagement… but so you are set up to make MONEY from it.
You’ll also learn allll about Reels.
Like, in DETAIL.
Basically demystifying the process… and making it way less friggin scary and overwhelming… which is how most people view it.
But only until they LEARN HOW TO DO IT THEMSELVES.
Then it’s easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Even FUN.
You’ll also see how to use filters… choose music… add stickers… and graphics to your short-form videos.
And yep, you’ll also get info on the tried and true classic image-and-caption posts… as well as their super cool cousin: CAROUSEL posts.
Plus we’ll dive into hashtags, the under-utilized Highlights feature… and how to get super comfortable putting yourself out there online.
We’ll have a blast. So you really gotta come.
And let me know whether you’re coming on Tuesday August 10th or Wednesday August 11th.
Grab the link in the show notes or look for it in this week’s newsletter, ok? You're subscribed so you get all my updates directly in your inbox, right?
So now you know the latest news on Instagram… AND you have a way to be prepared for it.
By coming to my Instagram training workshop.
Let me know what you think of all of this on social, ok?
Have a great week… and I’ll see ya online.