
How to Take Care of Your Body So You Can Take Care of Business

We only get one bod. 

And it’s definitely not getting any younger.

I work hard every darn day to stay healthy...on the inside and the outside.

We talk A LOT about different tactics to consciously create the life and biz of our dreams and a lot of it has to do with our mental game. 

But our body is our vehicle. 

It houses our amazing thoughts and ideas, feelings and’s what gets us through this crazy journey we call life. 

I want to help you make the most out of YOUR gorgeous bod. 

So I’m going to share with you how I take care of mine. 

At the foundation of it all is my LOVE for doTERRA’s essential oils and their line of personal care products. So everything I mention here is made lovingly by this favorite company of mine. :)

Overall wellness comes from a healthy lifestyle and your daily routine can make all the difference in improving your overall health.

And why the heck do I care so much about living a healthy lifestyle? And why should you? Because without a healthy mind and bod, life can be a struggle. 

When we eat foods lacking in essential nutrients or when we don’t get out in nature enough to breathe clean air or when we use products with chemicals on our skin...we are operating at a deficit. 

We need essential nutrients to help our cells replenish which is why we need to use THE best ingredients in our hair and skin. 

My personal care routine

First of all, don’t freak out, but I only wash my hair once a week.

Washing your hair every day can strip it of its natural oils and leave it feeling and looking dry and limp.

But when I do wash it, I use doTERRA’s Salon Essential shampoo and conditioner. It’s got those lovely pure botanical extracts and seriously makes my hair shiny and soft AF.

However, even though I may not wash my hair every day... I do love to relax in the tub a few times a week. 

While I’m in the tub, I use a handmade DIY sugar scrub (since it’s summer I’m using the Strawberry Lime one). This one in particular uses Lime essential oil. To create the sugar scrub, you combine it with strawberries, virgin coconut oil and few more thangs. Click here for full instructions:(  

I use doTERRA’s scrubs because there are no artificial fragrances or chemicals. I also love lime essential oil because of its purifying properties and how it supports a healthy immune system.

After the scrub, I follow up with doTERRA’s SPA Replenishing Body Butter which is infused with Wild Orange (stimulating, purifying, cleansing), Douglas Fir (purifies the skin and promotes a positive mood), and Frankincense (soothing and beautifying properties rejuvenate skin and help reduce the appearance of imperfections) essential oils.  

Both the sugar scrub and body butter make for great end of day skin care.

I also use the SPA Detoxifying Mud Mask once a week. This natural clay mask has purifying benefits and helps reduce the appearance of any my pesky pores, fine lines, and wrinkles.

Healthy glowing skin

Okay, we’re already getting into my favorite topic: skin care.

The Essential Skin Care line from doTERRA is next level. It features essential oil blends that are to die for, more effective ingredients and new technologies. 

Like I said, I’ve been using the scrub a few times a week, then the facial cleanser, facial toner and then I add a few drops of:

  • Blue Tansy (helps reduce the appearance of blemishes uplifts mood and soothes skin)
  • Yarrow Pom (calms and soothes skin, antioxidant support, supports cellular, immune and nervous system health) and 
  • Immortelle (contains Frankincense Resin, Hawaiian Sandalwood, Lavender Flower, Myrrh Gum Resin, Helichrysum Flower, Rose Flower essential oils that help reduce signs of aging and wrinkles and promotes smooth, radiant looking skin)

Hello #anti-aging!

The facial cleanser contains Yucca Root Extract and Soapbark Extract (clarifies and soothes skin), Macadamia Seed Oil (conditions skin), Vitamin E (supports healthy-looking skin) and more. 
The Pore Reducing Toner contains aloe, watermen and apple extracts (tones and balances skin), lentil extracts (increases skin hydration, reduces oils, tones and reduces pores), Witch Hazel (removes excess oil and reduces the appearance of pores) and more. 

I also incorporate a few other products like the tightening serum, eye cream, brightener and deep moisturizing lotion. 

Seriously, my skin LOVES it all.

Another easy and effective strategy for healthy skin is to DRINK WATER.

H20 not only helps flush toxins that might show up on your face, it helps you with other functions like digestion.

When it comes to your face, keep your hands off as well. Touching your face with greasy dirty hands can cause a lot of problems.


I eat a very healthy vegan diet.

But even if we eat well, and exercise every day...we may not be putting everything into our bodies it needs.

So I have a strict supplement regimen from doTERRA:

💚 Terrazyme: Whole-food enzymes to support healthy digestion and metabolic processes. Optimal digestion equals way more energy to do what you love. If you struggle with getting shiz done, try adding enzymes to your daily regime. 

💚 Lifelong Vitality Pack: Full of essential nutrients, metabolism benefits, and powerful antioxidants designed to help promote energy, health, and lifelong vitality. Maybe you’re wondering “can’t we just get everything we need from food?” Nope. To get the same nutrients from a carrot today as you would’ve a carrot 50 years ago, you’d need to eat 10 carrots. No joke. As our soil gets depleted, the vitamin content in the foods we eat does too. 

💚Mito2Max: A proprietary formula of standardized plant extracts and metabolic cofactors that supports healthy cellular energy production. Your cells manufacture energy and this formula strengthens your energetic building blocks for increased vitality in ALL of your physical systems. 

💚 DDR Prime: Blend of CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils that help protect the body against oxidative stress (aka. toxins or free radicals that your body needs a helping hand to process and release). 

💚 Slim and Sassy Softgels: Have you ever been so insanely hungry that you’d eat whatever was put in front of you? Devouring a burger and fries might feel good in the moment but after your blood sugar drops, the high wears off and you feel like garbage. No fun. These softgels are a lifesaver because they help manage cravings and balance blood sugar while boosting metabolism and making it way easier to avoid temptations and stick to what you know makes you feel your best.

Non-negotiable oils

You guys know how much I love my oils. I never leave the house without them.

They’ve made a huge difference in my life when it comes to fatigue, digestion and so many other issues I used to be plagued with.

My non-negotiable daily oils include… 

  • Digestzen (a drop in your water bottle will amplify your digestion and energy BIG time) 
  • In Tune (on my temples anytime I’m feeling overwhelmed and can’t focus)
  • Frankincense (my hormone balancing and anti-stress bestie, just a bit in the diffuser is magic)
  • Wild Orange, Citrus Bliss and Bergamot (These are my fave energy boosting oils. Tip: don’t go in the sun with any of these).

I also have some faves I love to diffuse while I’m working like Motivate, Passion, and Patchouli with Lime (patchouli by itself is a little too deadheady for me without the citrus). These oils are my secret superpower on days where I need to stay focused and high-energy to serve my amazing audience, clients, and customers, which is pretty much every day! 

For my bedtime routine, I use the Serenity and Copaiba gel caps and I diffuse Roman Chamomile with Serenity. I also put Peace on my wrist and Vetiver on my feet. 70 million Americans struggle with some kind of sleep disorder but it doesn’t need to be that way. Simple tools like the oils and supplements above along with reduced screen time at night and a low-stress lifestyle go a long way. 

This all may sound like a lot but’s all been part of my routine for so long, I don’t even notice.

Especially because all these amazing products and oils are doing wonders for my bod, the only one I got.

I’m always a fan of natural solutions and if you are too, I dare you to try some of these products. Not to mention, doTERRA is all about responsible and sustainable sourcing — which should matter to anyone who cares about the environment, animal rights, and creating a beautiful world for the next generations. 

What is your favorite part of your personal care routine? Let me know in the comments!

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