
Passive Action Won’t Get You There … But THIS WILL!


Hey Guys! 
I am not willing to let anything slip through the cracks. Are you?

Of course not—especially if you’re a mom-trepreneur like me. I need to be sure both my family AND biz are running smoothly. 

No kinks.

That’s why I always take MASSIVE action.

It’s easy to get confused between massive action and passive action. I learned about the concept from my own life coach, Brooke Castillo and it really makes sense.

So, what’s the difference between Passive and Massive action?

Well, passive action means doing things that make us “feel” productive, like reading books, listening to webinars, or talking about what we are going to do.

Sure, these activities are important, but they can also trick us into believing we are being productive. What they’re really doing is distracting us from stepping forward. Doing the “real” thing.

Massive action, on the other hand, is USING what we’ve learned to consciously create our experiences.
In December I decided to make a huge leap. Approaching my work intentionally, I took MASSIVE action. I began working with new people, in a new way on a super important project.

Were there any guarantees?


Did we have hiccups?

Of course we did. 

There are always going to be bumps along the road. 

I NEVER know how things are going to turn out, but I always choose to trust my intuition and I don’t let obstacles distract me or worse, stop me from creating my bigger vision or dream.

And can I tell you something? Consciously creating my experience in this way felt amazing.

Even though there were roadblocks and stumps and (there always will be) I decided NOT to stop at the stoplights.
Last week I watched peeps take MASSIVE ACTION by committing to B-School with Marie Forleo. For some this was super scary because it was the first time they had made such a powerful investment in themselves and their businesses. 

Were you one of these peeps?

If so, I will be right beside you, supporting you as you consciously create your life and biz by applying what you learn from Marie.

Whether or not you decided on B-School, you can work on your biz in my private 
Facebook Group . Meet new likeminded people and soak up some of my free coaching tips. 

See ya there! 



PS Catch my Whole You video this Wednesday. I’ll deliver it into your inbox.

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