
How to Bring Your Online Biz to Life...

Your love life, personal life, family life, work life….in the end they all come together to make YOU.

A passionate, driven, badass biz lady who is keen to get her message out and to start turning that message into profit.

We all have an online life too.

And when it comes to our online biz, it’s super important to have our shit together.

Our online world already sounds a lot like real life, hey?

Let’s just say... your love life is your website, your social life is your Facebook page, your work life is your email funnel and your family life is your blog and newsletter.

All these wonderful things make up your online presence.

Just like in real life, every aspect of our online life takes time and effort, and balance is key.

Like how you fit in your gym workout and a smoothie before picking up your kids from school and making that date with your hubby after an early evening meeting with a client.

We are all busy, like really busy.

And if you’re just starting out online and building your first website, or growing your first business Facebook page, it can be overwhelming.

But only if you allow it to be.

You can navigate this magical online world and go from zero to hero boss babe once you start prioritizing.

Check out my latest podcast where I’m joined by a dear friend, Adam Zucco.

This guy is an elite trained athlete, owner of a coaching business as well as an entrepreneur who has created the ultimate platform to keep all of your online business greatness in one place.

But for now, whether you want to use a platform like the one Adam has created with his business 3 Step Solutions, or you’re not quite there yet, get some popcorn and keep reading.

Building your online presence is actually pretty fun

Think about it. This is your chance to put all your hard work into action.

You’ve done the preliminary stuff — nailed your branding, laid out your services or products, created your ideal client avatar...

Now you have to have a place where you can speak to the world and where people can go to keep the conversation going and hopefully end up as a client or customer.

Your online presence is critical because this is how people are going to get to know you, interact with you.

Start with your website.

As great as Facebook is, you have to get your followers on Facebook to actually visit you in a world where you’re in charge, where you own your content — your website.

Think of your website as your command centre, the hub of your online presence.

On top of a slick looking website, you’re going to want to have content to engage your followers and potential clients.

Ba boom, now you have a weekly blog or a monthly newsletter.

Then there’s social media.

Time to create on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. OR if that feels overwhelming, just choose one platform to focus on at first.

This is where a lot of people throw their hands up in surrender.

You’re like, Hayley — how am I supposed to manage writing blogs, creating and scheduling social media posts, staying on top of my website and writing email sequences….PLUS run my business?!

Slow your roll sister, you got this, there are ways to reach your customers by bringing all these things together.

There are a lot of programs and software out there to help make your life easier….like Adam Zucco’s 3 Step Solutions...seriously I use it for a reason.

But it’s not just about the platform.

It’s about taking the time to seriously think about what you’re doing and PLAN AHEAD.

Staying organized online is the key to not freaking out.

I’m building my business, I’m holding events, I’m running workshops, I’m building relationships.

I don’t really have the time to be posting to Facebook on the fly, coming up with an idea for a blog that’s due tomorrow and recording a podcast that airs in 3 hours.

I want to nail that stuff down a month ahead of time.

Building your online presence is about consistent content. And if you take 8 hours on the first Monday of the month to sit down and look ahead, you’ll be thanking yourself a million times over.

Seriously, you won’t want to do this on the fly, you are too busy.

Planning ahead forces you to think ahead and actually post. Engage with your followers on the regular.

And if this all sounds like too much because you don’t even have your website up yet, don’t stress. Focus on one thing at a time.

Setting goals can help you get centered.

Where do you want to be short term? Long term?

What is the point of your website? Your posts on Instagram? Your latest podcast episode?

Are you after followers or do you want to turn those followers into clients?

Building your online presence shouldn’t be done all willy nilly just to get yourself out there, there should be a strategy behind it.

Your online presence is wanted and needed.

Don’t forget. People want to be marketed to about stuff they’re interested in. And they want to hear from you.

People tell me all the time how much they love hearing my podcast, how they WANT to see what I’m doing, where I’m traveling to.

They look forward to my weekly updates and they want to know when I release a new product.

At the end of the day, don’t overthink it.

Most people think everything has to be perfect before they launch.

Oh, no, no… they never are. Say yes and figure out how to get it done later. That’s my motto.

A website, your social channels, your blog….all these things live and breath and will change along with you and your business.

As you grow and improve, so will your online presence.

Start simple, remember to breathe and keep in mind, your first website is only just the very exciting beginning of the online life of your biz.


What are you going to prioritize in your online business starting right now? Let me know in the comments below!


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