Do you know what is toxic in your life? What is slowly poisoning you on a daily basis? Is it your food, drinks, drugs, relationships, your thoughts…what? Quite often when we think of toxins we think of food and more specifically processed foods full of colorants, chemicals and other crazy bad stuff…most of us can’t even pronounce the names. But toxins go way beyond the food that we eat. It includes what we drink, bad habits like no exercise, watching too much TV, hanging around negative people, being in a hostile and unloving relationship, living in a place filled with pollution and also includes our own thoughts!!! Toxins drag us down and make us feel pretty crappy and because I am doing a free webinar this week on Losing Weight Naturally and talking about toxins etc, I thought I would use this newsletter for giving you some tips on how to rid yourself of the toxins in your life…
So are you ready to feel amazing and ready to crush it? Well here goes: Food - This is the best place to start because we are all so familiar with it and of course…need to place the goodness ( or not so good) into our mouths many times each day. Modern foods are filled with nasty little chemicals and colorants, that I could write about all day. But I just want to focus on a few tips where minor changes can make huge changes over time. Each meal skip one processed item that you would normally consume. Replace it with a raw food choice instead. Grab yourself some Cauliflower, Broccoli, Spinach, Celery, Kale, Peppers, Raddish or your choice. Add a home made juice recipe to your dietary regime each day, which fills your body with all the nutrients you need in one quick and easy meal. Skip the dairy if you can. Dairy is inflammatory and is so filled with sugar and other chemicals, that the benefits of certain vitamins and minerals is offset by the negative effects. Sinus issues? Try cutting out dairy for 2 weeks and notice the effects. Skip the white stuff, such as processed flours, wheat etc. These dominate our diets and are becoming increasingly popular with all the snacks out there. Remember, just because it says it is Gluten free, doesn’t mean it is healthy. Drinks - Cut out too much coffee, soda, fruit juice and those nasty energy drinks that are becoming so popular. Even if it is a diet soda with zero calories, it is the ingredients that are toxic to our systems. You might think it is such a small amount, but it ALL adds up. Try drinking fresh water and add a slice or two of fruit for taste. Drugs - Are you popping prescription and other OTC drugs on a regular basis without exploring natural options to help supplement the negative side effects of those medicines? Keep an open mind and explore alternatives for your health. Drugs obviously help us with acute issue, but over time the huge amounts of toxins in them cause all sorts of nasty side effects and problems in our lives. People - Yes there are such things as toxic people in our lives that are destructive and negative and that cause us a lot of problems. It is a hard thing to do I know, but the sooner we rid ourselves of those toxic people the better. Toxic people pull us down, drain us mentally and emotionally which ultimately affects our physical side as we get stressed, overwhelmed and feel down. Toxic people love to crush other people’s self esteem and confidence and keep them at their level, but that doesn’t need to be the case in your life. Dump them and dump them now. Thoughts - I spoke about this a lot last week, and remember our thoughts determine our feelings, which effect our actions, which cause our results. Toxic thoughts which are not empowering and that make us feel miserable and hold us back are not what we want, if we truly want change in our life. So the sooner we acknowledge those toxic thoughts and then decide to choose different thoughts that bring out a feeling that we desire, then the quicker will the effect be on our actions and our results. So remember toxicity comes in many areas of our lives and we need to clear ourselves of all of it, in order to really thrive in our life. Start now, no matter how small, just start making those changes and you will notice a huge shift over time. XO Hayley