
When Things Get Crazy, Do You Spin And Obsess Like The Rest?

Life can get crazy without a moments notice. I'll admit it. I like to be in control of things. And the fact that there are certain things out of my control drives me mad. I need order IN order to thrive. And living in a world that can go chaotic or plunge me into the unknown in the blink of eye, often leaves me restless. I'm not a worrier by nature. I can go with the flow. But navigating my own sense of trust when things go crazy is always a hard life lesson for me. When things get crazy, I spin and I obsess just like the rest. trust-knife-1 I don't like getting slapped with things that take me by surprise or knock me off balance. But it happens. That's life. It's unpredictable, transient and impermanent. And although there are certain things I can control its hard to trust when something greater than me is wreaking havoc on my life. Do you feel me? Have you ever been in a situation where all the sudden your life has been turned upside down by a break-up, death or a natural disaster and the whole world feels like it is falling apart? Of course you have. And lucky you if you haven't. I like security. I like the ground beneath my feet. I like knowing everything is in it's right place. So learning how to trust myself and the greater picture when crisis strikes has been one of my greater struggles in life. Let me tell you, trusting yourself when you are knocked down is a challenge. I have had to go through enough bouts with unpredictability in order to arrive at the wisdom of how to trust myself during tough times. Don't expect to be an expert at this right off the bat. You have to practice. You'll have to call in your best tactics every time you experience uncertainty. I'm not going to lie to you. I have to take out my cheat sheet every time something crazy happens. It's not like once you do it, it becomes effortless. You have to do this over and over again. Fear and doubt and unpredictability act like viruses. And every time they come up you will have to fight while you already feel down. Here is my recipe for establishing trust with myself when life gets crazy: 1). Ground Yourself When chaos strikes (death, break-up, accident, loss, to name a few) find a stable spot (be it with a person or someplace you feel very safe), even if you have to lie down and breathe in and out of your nose until you can find your center. Chaos can cause you to disembody or spin out of control in fear (this is natural) but in order to get through it in a way where you are grounded you have to go inside. If yoga or meditation can take you there, great, but if you are so out of control that you can't stop spinning long enough to do a pose or sit, lie down, belly down, and hold a pillow. Hold it as tight as you can, scream into it. Diffuse essential Oils. Frankincense is ah-mazing for stress and anxiety. Vetiver is as grounding as the earth. But if you need to be outside, find a tree, and hold onto it while you pour all your emotion into the earth. I use a blend called Balance. It has Spruce, Frankincense, Blue Tansy and a little bit of Fractioned Coconut Oil in it. Can you tell what it does? Hint Hint. ;-) 2). Remember When you are scared it is really easy to slip into delusions. Remember that fear can send you spiraling out of control. If you are spiraling you are in fear mode. The only way to get away from fear when you are in fear is to BREATHE and remember it too shall pass. Feel the difference between your realistic thoughts and fears and hold onto something external that can ground you. 3). Stay In What You Know We all possess a deeper 'inner knowing,' but when our hearts or minds are going bonkers it's hard to hear. Instead, we get sucked into a whirlwind of fear and before we know it, we're drowning. When you are in a clear place, make a list of what you know to be true and put these reminders in writing all around you. That way, when your insecurities or fear threaten to drag you down, you will remember what you know to be true. I have just given you 3 great ways to establish trust with yourself when life gets a little crazy (which it often does). What do you do when chaos slams your life? Do you run for cover or spiral? I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments in the box below. Please feel free to share with others if you found this inspiring. Post it on FB, Pinterest or Tweet it. XO, Hayley  

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