
Raw Cheeze Crisp Snack Crackers

Who doesn't love snack foods? Even, I, raw foodie, have to get my snack on. Typically I opt for macaroons and kale chips, but recently I have become obsessed with making raw cheese and cheese like raw foods. It reminds me of the days I was addicted to Cheez-Its.  Except its real, nutritious and actually tastes better! Plus, it doesn't wreck my gut like processed food. My stomach couldn't take the crap anymore so I had to find a raw and healthy alternative. Here's my take on raw "cheese"-its.23114-cheezeitsWhat You Need: 1 cup nuts: 1/2 cup brazilian nuts and 1/2 cup walnuts 1 red bell pepper 1/2 jalapeno, finely minced juice of one lemon 3 drops lemon essential oil 1 drop pepper essential oil (optional) 1 drop cilantro or oregano essential oil 1 tbsp nutritional yeast 1 tsp onion powder 1 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp sweet paprika 1 tsp Himalayan Sea Salt 1 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1 cup water for combining   What You Need To Make It Happen: 1) Combine all ingredients except jalapeno in blender. Add half the water and then the other half slowly until mixture is pureed and creamy. 2) Sprinkle the jalapeno over the mix and incorporate. 3) Spread the mix thinly on teflex lined sheets in dehydrator. 4) When top side is dry (this takes a few hours) flip over and peel from the sheets. You can cut into squares or you can tear the cheese crisps apart with your fingers. I like this rustic look. 5) You can dehydrate overnight or until the cheese mixture is crispy. Shape however you want. I have just given you my favorite raw cheese crisp snack cracker recipe. Have you tried dehydrating crackers yet? Any suggestions? I would love to hear from you. Please leave comments in the box below. If you love this recipe as much as I do, share it with others. Post it on FB, Pinterest or Tweet it. XO, Hayley   P. S.  The reason I use Essential oils in my recipes is because they have amazing holistic properties:Lemon oil:Infamous for it's cleansing properties.  It is also extremely refreshing and it can elevate your mood.Pepper oil: Considered an aphrodisiac.  Helps with circulation, digestion, amazing at providing comfort . Not all essential oils are therapeutic grade and can be taken internally. I use only the very BEST. If you want to know where I get them click HERE Photo credit:

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