
Goals, not Resolutions, for 2015

I am not a fan of New Years resolutions. Nobody ever sticks to them because they get these big ideas about how when January 1 comes, they’re going to make huge, radical changes to their lives. Have you ever met someone who was able to keep their resolution? Me neither. Instead, I set goals.   For me, January is when my year picks up in intensity. I review how the year that’s ending went, figure out what worked, what didn’t and what I need to work on and then plot out how I’m going to make these changes. So, here’s what I’m going to do in 2015:   Business I’m at this AMAZING place in my career, I can’t believe how incredible 2014 has been. I’ve been having so much fun! But I want to double it in 2015 and to do that, I am going to have to strategize and make a solid business plan. I’m going to figure out my quarterly revenue targets and what I have to do in order to achieve them, including a marketing calendar that will plot out how we’re going to drive sales every single month. By planning ahead and setting sales goals, I’ll be motivated every month to hit, or better yet, exceed them.   Travel/Vacations 2014 saw a lot of US travel. In 2015, I want to travel overseas. I also want to go to more yoga retreats. I always treat myself to one a year, but they are so rejuvenating, so good for my spirit, I really want to be able to do more of them.   Family I want to spend more time with my extended family. It’s important to keep my connection to them. I also want to spend more time with my husband and kids. I want to go on picnics with them and really enjoy them. Madeline will go back to school after the holidays and I want to be there for that.   Date Night Wes and I are so freakin’ busy all the time, between work and the kids, we don’t spend enough one on one time with each other. That’s going to change in 2015.   Diet and Exercise I know it’s going to sound weird coming from a health coach, but my diet and exercise were sacrificed in 2014 because I’ve been so busy with my business. Hey, I’m human too! I’ll admit I’ve actually gained a few pounds over the past 2 years because I’ve been so focused on the success of my business. In 2015, fitness will be more of a priority and get back to a weight that feels better for me.   I used to do yoga 7 days a week. It was so good for me, it really centered me, and felt so good for my body. I’m going to make sure that I am doing that every day again.   Charity My business has been such a success that I’m finally able to support charities financially the way I’ve always wanted to, and there’s a lot of joy for me in being able to do that.   Self Development I’ve noticed that people react to me in a way I’m not comfortable with. It’s like they’re angry or unhappy with me. I know most of that is on them, but is there a pattern there? Am I contributing to it? How can I be a better communicator? I’m going to spend some time working on that.   I am also going to work on showing more gratitude to the people who have helped me get where I am. I could not be here without support and help from my staff, my husband and my friends, and I need to make more of an effort to show them how grateful I am for them.   These aren’t just goals, they are promises to myself to be better, do better, to grow a little more in 2015. We should never stop growing. But these goals won’t all happen in the first four weeks of the year. Don’t expect that of yourself. Here’s how to set goals and succeed with them:  
  • Write down your goals
  • Prioritize them
  • Create reminders of the promises you’ve made to yourself
    • make Post-it notes and put them up around the house, in my car.
    • Set deadlines for your goals on your phone calendar
    • Change the reminder ringtone on your phone to something motivational when they come up, so I keep the momentum and keep the energy to achieve them going.
  • When you miss a week or a goal, don’t give up.
  Big changes require big commitments and a positive attitude. Start with the easy stuff and work your way up to the big things, preparing for the big ones as you go.   And know that I’m here for you! You’re strong! Don’t give up!   Happy New Year!   What are your goals for 2015? How are you going to keep yourself motivated to do them? Share them here or on my Facebook page, I’d love to hear them! XO Hayley

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