
"Yoga Instructor" Doesn't Have To Equal "Broke"

I was a lawyer making a 6-figure income when I decided I to quit and become a yoga instructor. I had been practicing yoga for about 3 years and loved it so much, I knew it was a change I needed to make. I bet some of you are shocked that I would give up a 6-figure income to become a yoga instructor. You know what? I didn’t give up anything. In fact, I gained because I figured out how to do exactly what I wanted to do AND make money doing it. You CAN be a yoga instructor and have a comfortable, successful life. You just need to stop selling yourself short. Here’s what you need to do: 1. Drop the “Starving Artist Mentality” Some yoga instructors have it in their heads that making money is sacrilegious. They’re supposed to be so blissed out by their work that they are above money, meanwhile they are living this meager lifestyle, renting little apartments decorated with tapestries and crystals. How does the electric company respond when you tell them you can’t pay your bill because you’re a yoga instructor and don’t feel right asking for money? Or your landlord? Trust me, when I was first starting out, I struggled to pay the rent. And it made no sense to me! Why is it that lawyers can bill up to $650 an hour for their services – and they have no problem asking for it – but because I’m a yoga instructor, I can’t ask top dollar? What makes their service so much more important than mine! This leads me to my next tip. 2. Take Charge of Your Livelihood (or, Be the Boss of Your Yoga?) If you want to achieve financial success in the yoga industry, you have to stop seeing yourself as just a yoga instructor and start seeing yourself as a business owner. You already invest in your business by attending expensive workshops and retreats; you buy supplies, and invest in marketing. You also have to get creative with your revenue streams - think outside the box for how to increase their income. I conducted teacher training workshops, added a line of essential oils in my studio, started doing one on one nutrition counseling. In my early years transitioning from lawyer to health coach, I even worked at a health club. Stop limiting yourself to the classes you teach in the studios where you are one of many instructors and open yourself up to the possibilities. 3. Recognize That You Are Worth It! People come into your studio completely stressed out by their lives and they want relief. You are a great instructor, with a following of regular students, they know that you will fix them and they will pay you any amount for it. Isn’t that what you’re there for? They’ll gladly pay a doctor and pharmacist for an anti-depressant prescription - why not pay you instead? Let them pay you to make them feel better! Look, the alternative wellness industry is booming. People are more stressed out than ever and the medical industry isn’t giving them the support they need. People are spending LOTS of money to feel better. You became a yoga instructor because you have a passion for it and you want to help people. It wasn’t about the money at all, but you deserve to be just as financially successful as any lawyer or doctor and you CAN be. You deserve to have an abundant life. So quit starving and start thriving! I've just given you some really helpful tips on how to be a financially successful yoga instructor. Do you have any tips you'd like to share? Comments? Please drop me a line or reply here. XO Hayley   Originally published on Mind Body Green.

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