
You and Food At Any Age

I had a kid, then I turned 40 and every now and then, I feel old. I’m not “past my prime”, but I do feel how my body has changed over the past 10 years. I think there comes a moment for every woman when we realize we are not 22 anymore. And we get down on ourselves. It’s tough, but we have to stop comparing ourselves to our younger version of yourself. We have to learn what health and wellness are during our different stages of live. First, let’s talk about our 20s and 30s. It is no mistake that we are at our physical peak in our 20s and 30s. We feel great, our skin looks great, our energy is limitless. You’re probably living on your own for the first time and enjoying the freedom. What IS a mistake is to act like we can eat and drink anything because we still fit into our skinny jeans. Get real - it ALL definitely matters. Why? Because you are laying the foundation for how your body is going to function in the decades to come. Don’t believe me? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition recently published a study on how the more red meat women between 18 and 30 eat, the bigger their risk for high blood pressure when they are older. At the same time, women in that same age group who ate more fruits and veggies reduced that risk. It’s still really important to get enough iron though, so go ahead and eat SOME meat if it suits your body, but be sure to get it from chicken or fish, organic, wild, and free range if you can. As a vegan, I'm going to say "Go Vegan. Go Raw". Legumes like lentils or kidney beans will give you the iron and protein you need. But that’s just one example of getting off to a good start. Did you know that your body is still actually creating your bones when you’re in your 20s? I know you’re not thinking about osteoporosis when you’re out clubbing but make calcium a habit. Think outside the milk carton - Superfoods like kale, spinach and other dark leafy greens, fish like salmon are great sources of calcium. In your 30s, you're either trying to get pregnant or trying not to get pregnant. Either way you need Vitamin B2. The pill can rob your body of zinc, magnesium, B2 and other nutrients. Vitamin B2 helps your body produce new red blood cells and break down calories. And if you’re going to be hosting another life in your body, Vitamin B2 plays an important role. Don’t completely freak if you reach 40 and realize that you have been abusing your body. There’s still time to change the future, and thankfully when you reach your 40s you actually start thinking about what your life is going to be like in your 60s, 70s and beyond. Like, it actually exists. The most important advice I can give you here is portion control. You REALLY need to watch it because your metabolism is about to experience a major slowdown and you don’t want to be in the middle of that Twinkie when it happens. WebMD says "If you don't overeat in your 40s, you will automatically eat less of the foods that are not good for you," says Wellman. "If you do overeat, you tend to eat foods that are less healthy." Believe it. If you haven’t already, it is REALLY time to cut out the fatty foods and cut way back on dairy and red meat, but fat doesn’t just mean french fries, I’m talking anything made with saturated fat (aka. most processed foods). You also really need to start listening to your muscles and joints when you exercise. Most of the pains you’re feeling are not the ‘muscle through it’ type. It’s actually your body telling you to cut back. Maybe now’s the time to evaluate if the same ole’ exercises are really the best for you - BEFORE you injure yourself. Oh and by the way? By your late 40s, you are most likely in perimenopause with irregular periods, hair sprouting up in new places; telltale signs that the mood swings and hot flashes of the Big M are not far behind. Yup… it’s coming. And yes, there ARE ways to prepare: STOP EATING SUGAR. As we roll into our 50s, we start to have new concerns like Arthritis. I just read this great article on NPR. This new study showed that running in and of itself, did not lead to the a deterioration of the knee joint. Basically, if you’re active and you stay active, you body accommodates for that as you age. So, broken record time, stay active, move more, and your body will keep up with you. You also want to reduce your sodium, your caloric intake by 10% and make sure you’re getting plenty of magnesium (stock up on avocados, cashews and whole grain cereal). Your 60s and beyond? Well, I’ll let you know as I get closer to those milestones! The older you get, the harder it is going to be to correct the mistakes of your youth. I know that when you’re 22, thinking about your knees blowing out when you hit 55 is a stretch. My best advice to you is, whatever your age, look to building the foundations of good health today. Originally published on Mind Body Green.

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