
Savory Beet Chips

I admit, even I, the raw foodie, has a love for snacks and really tasty chips! Beets are one of my favorite vegetables and dehydrating these bad boys and turning them into a delectable salty snack is AH-MAZING! Here's is a Beet Chip recipe you will want to share with friends!


  • 5 beets, for variety of color use red and golden beets
  • 1/4 cup raw cider vinegar and balsamic vinegar
  • 3 drops doTERRA Wild Orange essential oil
  • 2 drops doTERRA Thyme essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/4 cup water
  • Himalayan salt and pepper to taste
Instructions: 1. Mix together cider vinegar, essential oils, olive oil and water. Set aside. 2. Slice the beets very thin. You can either use a mandolin, which I prefer or you can use a very sharp knife. 3. Soak the sliced beets in vinegar, oil, water mixture for about 20 minutes. Make sure you coat the beets, toss generously. 4. Spread on dehydrator screens, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Dehydrate at 115 for 24 hours or until chips are crunchy. Once they are done, enjoy! I have given you a great chip recipe. What are your favorite kind of chips? Would you add anything to this recipe to boost the flavor? I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments in the box below. If you like this recipe and you think a friend might too, share it! Post it on FB, Pin it to Pinterest or Tweet it. XO, Hayley P.S. For where I get my essential oils, cause you know I only use the best, click HERE The reason I use essential oils in my recipes is because they provide so many therapeutic and health benefits. Check it out: Lemon Essential Oil: cleansing, refreshing, antiseptic. Thyme Essential Oil: healing, restorative, circulation. Wild Orange Oil: uplifting and rejuvenating. Photo credit and recipe adaptation:

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