
5 Detoxifying Foods For Your Liver

A healthy liver is crucial for a good life and good health. You probably never stop to think about your organs or their functions, and how what you could be eating or lifestyle choices you are making could be effecting and taxing vital organs. So many people take their bodies for granted, thinking they can shove whatever they want in it and their bodies will just keep working. The world you live in is polluted and environmental toxins are already having their way with your organs, so in order to protect yourself from all the damage toxins can wrought on your liver, try to eat foods that will enable the detoxification process. Whatever you can do to show your liver some love, do it. Here are 5 natural foods and ways to help you keep your liver happy: 1). Dark Leafy Green Vegetables Dark leafy greens are packed chlorophylls, which absorb toxins from the blood stream. Green neutralize heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides. Dark greens are so good for the liver and help the elimination process as well, which is good for expelling toxins and cleaning the blood, not to mention keeping you regular. And who doesn't love that?


2). Green Tea Green tea is a powerful anti-oxidant, which assists the liver in its function. You can drink it hot or cold with fresh fruit and citrus. It is delicious and it can be a fantastic substitute to coffee.  


  3). Beets and Carrots Beets and carrots are loaded with beta-carotene and plant-flavonoids. As a result eating beets and carrots stimulates the liver and assists its overall function.


  4). Grapefruit Grapefruit assists the cleaning process of the liver. It's a great source of anti-oxidants and vitamin C. A glass of grapefruit juice or a tall glass of water with 4 drops of grapefruit essential oil can help boost production of liver that helps get rid of toxins and carcinogens.


  5). Garlic Not only does garlic ward off vampires, it is also helps the liver flush out toxins. Garlic is notorious for cleansing the liver due to its high amounts of allicin and selenium. It might make your breath stank but it's a big one when it comes to detoxifying the liver


It is important to help our bodies get rid of toxins and if you can do this whole foods or essential oils, you will help your body and organs maintain optimal health. I have given you 5 foods that can help you keep your liver functioning happily. What do you do you care for your liver? I would love to hear from you. Please leave your thoughts in the box below. If you found this blog useful and informative and want to share it with others, please do so by posting it on friend's walls, pin it to Pinterest or Tweet it. XO, Hayley If you want to know where I get my essential oils, cause you know I only use the best, click HERE

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