
a mother's day gift idea you cannot pass up!

You seek balance: in life, work, relationships, and your skin tone.

Every woman that I know is looking for the best skin care on the market. Every woman wants to look more youthful, shine, and put their best face forward.  And with Mother's Day just around the corner, I've got a great gift idea for that woman in your life that you love - Pangea Organic Skin Care.

So many designer skin products are chemical laden.   WHY? They don't have to be! Don't you want to nourish your face with THE most natural beneficial ingredients your money can buy? You certainly don't want to feed your face with products that have similar ingredients to Windex!
Why not use the best, the most healthiest unpolluted products out there and show your skin some love? Right? I live in Colorado. It is dry as a desert here and I need something a little stronger than your average moisturizer to hydrate my skin. I have turned to Pangea Organics balancing oil as a part of my daily regiment to moisturize my face. Oil is 10 times more effective than lotion when it comes to hydration, suppleness and softness of the skin. Oil works. It keeps my skin baby soft and I know for a fact that the more hydrated your skin is, the less it will AGE and the more radiant your skin will feel! Win, win, right? Well here it is... pangea_balancingoil_900x900
If you have questions, or you've tried it and have your own story, leave me a note in the box below. And please don't hide this secret! Share this blog with your friends. Post it on FB, Pinterest, or Tweet it!
XO, Hayley P.S If you need this miracle balancing oil as badly as I do, and want to know where to get it, click HERE

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