
You Can Do Anything for 7 Days

What is 7 days in your life? How many times have you said “where did this week go!?” It zooms by, right? Your week’s vacation is over in no time. (Why is it that the week you have your period never seems to zip by? That’s a different blog post!) 7 days is 168 hours. And you're asleep for 56 of those hours. It’s over in the blink of an eye. So, what’s stopping you from doing a 7-day detox? With the holidays around the corner, this may be exactly what your body needs. I hear it a lot – “I just don’t have the time”. You’re so busy in your 7-day week, you don’t have time to incorporate new habits into your life, let alone the healthy ones. Yeah-yeah, right, it’s not that you don’t WANT to be healthier. But, you don’t have time to start yoga, chop and prep fresh veggies and fruit, meditate, or take a relaxing bath. But if you HAD that kind of time, you’d do it! Right?? I’m calling your bullsh*t. You don’t have time to NOT think about your health. You only get this life, right? When are you EVER going to have or make the time you need to do healthier things? How much longer do you think your body will go at the pace you’re going without doing something healthy to support it? Would you rather spend 7 days in a time-out because you’re sick? No way. Not me. I’m enjoying life way to much to be slammed down. There are tons of great detox programs out there (I host 7-Day programs every other month or so). A good 7-day detox will steer you clear of eating foods and using products you know are bad for you but often too tempting to resist - sugar, caffeine, alcohol, meat, dairy and processed food, chemical laced products. A good 7-day detox will help you begin habits you know are good for you. It’s not rocket science, but the structure will kick you into gear. A detox is a reboot for your body AND your life. People shy away from a 7-day detox because they really don’t think they can go without the sugar, caffeine and meat, but you CAN do it. Here is a glimpse into what you’ll go through: Day 1 – You’re nervous that all these ‘veggies’ aren’t going to support your busy life, but you’re enthusiastic, super-charged – heck, you might even do a walk-in at the local hot yoga studio tonight! Day 2 –The veggies aren’t as satisfying as pizza, you feel sort of hungry, but you’re still riding on your motivation to feel better in just 5 more days. Day 3 – Was this really the week to do this? You have dinner plans this week and your friend always picks Italian food – how can you eat vegetarian while she’s slurping up linguine in clam sauce?! Still… it’s just 4 more days. You’re a little grumbly but you stick to it. Day 4 – This sucks. You’re pooping – a LOT. You can’t focus on anything other than the smell of everyone else’s food around you. Your hate your coworker in the next cube and the cupcake sitting on her desk. Day 5 – In 2 more days, you are SO back to Starbucks and cheeseburgers! Or, are you? Your tummy is feeling less bloated, the annoying I-haven’t-had-enough-coffee-and-I-want-to-scream headache is gone. Your skin is less red and swollen. You feel lighter – not just physically but emotionally too. OK, 2 more days. Day 6 –Everything tastes so much better! Who knew broccoli tasted this good without cheese!? You can’t remember the last time you slept this well. Your clothes are even starting to fit a little better. Another yoga class it is! Day 7 – You don’t hate the cupcake eaters anymore. You’re bouncing out of bed without coffee. You feel so good you start contemplating another 7 days. No so bad now that you know what to expect, right? In just 7 days, you have purged your system of toxins and water weight, reset your digestive tract, gotten past the worst of your caffeine and sugar addictions, AND your favorite jeans are back in your wardrobe! Detoxing does not have to be an over-the-top endurance event. However, if serious restriction is what works for you, super strict juice and lemon water fasts should only be done with professional supervision. But if more substance is what works best for you, here are 5 reasons to consider a 7-day Vegan detox:
  • Figure out what foods do not agree with you (you might be surprised!)
  • Reduce inflammation and toxicity – this will change your body and your life
  • Become more “regular” – you KNOW you’re dying for this
  • Increase your energy – superwoman beware!
  • Decrease your moodiness – no more b*tchiness, you’ll feel like an angel.
What do you think? Are you ready for one? Want to do one with me? I'm starting right after Thanksgiving. Let me know if you're on board with me! I'd love to hear from you. Please leave your comments in the box below. If you like this post and feel one of your friends would benefit from cleaning with us too, please feel free to share it on FB, Tweet or Pin it! XO, Hayley  

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