
5 Small Changes to build a sexy and abundant life

About a year ago, I was sick; I mean REALLY sick. I had to quit my job, my marriage was ‘iffy’, I was a mess health-wise. I had to do something to fix this or I wasn’t going to get better. I took a step back from my situation, took it all in and decided it was time to make changes. At first, the changes were small. I started by setting a goal of just 5 things to change. It made the changes easier to remember and manageable. And once those 5 changes became a part of my daily life, making bigger changes was easier. Here are 5 changes I wish you would make right now to get you started on a new path to healthy: Go raw You don’t have to go completely raw from day 1 – that’s a huge challenge and pretty hard to do. But… what about starting with one raw meal a day? Have a salad, or stop cooking your spinach and eat it with a little olive oil and lemon instead. It’s not a huge commitment, just one meal! Smoothies are a great way to start going raw. Throw a banana, a handful of spinach and some coconut juice in a blender and PRESTO a great raw snack. Spinach is one of my favorite smoothie ingredients. Have more orgasms Yes… that’s what I said. There is scientific proof that people who have more orgasms are more relaxed and better able to handle stress than those who don’t. Orgasms release oxytocin into your brain, the hormone that stimulates feelings of warmth and relaxation. Orgasms release neurochemicals that can help you get to sleep, live longer, stimulate your brain, and keep you looking young. Get creative! And don’t make it someone else’s responsibility or fault that you’re not. You know you don’t need a partner to have more orgasms. Meditate. Just a little I know. It sounds impossible to do. To sit still, close your eyes, empty your mind and breathe deeply. Trust me. I’m your quintessential Type A over-achiever. I get it. But just TRY to give yourself 5 minutes to quiet everything down – your breath, your mind, your heart. Even just closing your eyes for 5 minutes will make a world of difference in the other 23 hours and 55 minutes of your day. Do it while you’re in your car, sitting at a red light! (keep your eyes open though) Heck, try doing it in the shower while you’re conditioning your hair! Make a habit of connecting with your breath and slowing down while your conditioner does its thing. Get rid of one chemical in your life This one is so much easier than I bet you’re thinking right now. The products and detergents we use to clean and sterilize our worlds are so harsh on the environment and ourselves. They pollute the soil, our water, and our bodies absorb them in what we eat and drink AND right through our skin. Think about that for a second – Your lotion has petroleum products in it, you are essentially absorbing gasoline right into your body through your skin. Ew. Do something as simple as buying sulfate-free shampoo. Or start using organic, plant-based window cleaner. There are so many products on the market now that are available anywhere you shop that promote a chemical-free life. They may be a little more expensive, but what is a better quality of life worth to you? Finally, and most importantly: SMILE! And remember what makes you happy. Maybe it sounds stupid but sometimes we need to remind ourselves of what makes us happy to help us focus through the unpleasant, stressful or straight-up bad times. We can get so overwhelmed with our lives that we lose sight of why we do the things we do, who we do them for, and forget to take a moment for joy. Write a list and put it on your computer, your bathroom mirror – somewhere you spend time, to remind yourself to be happy. I've just given you 5 tiny changes you can make RIGHT NOW in your life that can have a huge difference. What are you small changes can you start making today? I would love to hear from you, please leave your comments in the box below. Please feel free to share this with other tech junkies if this inspired you. Post it on FB, Pinterest or Tweet it. XO, Hayley Originally published on Mind Body Green 

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