
Unexpected Benefits of Detoxing

Yeah, I hear this all the time – “I just don’t have the time”. Yup, you’re so busy that you don’t have time to incorporate new habits into your life, let alone the healthy ones. Yeah, yeah, right, it’s not that you don’t WANT to be healthier or take care of yourself. But, you don’t have time to start yoga, chop and cook fresh veggies and fruit, meditate, take a relaxing bath. If you HAD that kind of time, you’d do it! Right?? I’m calling bullsh*t on this one. You don’t have the time to NOT think about your health. You only get this life, right? When are you EVER going to have or make the time you need to do healthier things? How much longer do you think your body will go at the pace you’re going without you doing something healthy to support it? I start most of my clients off with a detox program when we start working together. I, myself, do a detox several times a year. And I always learn something new about myself. At its MOST basic, a good detox program lasts for about 7 days and has you stop eating things you know are bad for you, and start eating things you know are good for you. It’s not rocket science. For 7 days, cut out sugar, caffeine, alcohol, meat, dairy and processed food and for 7 days pack in purified water, greens and more greens, veggies and fruits. Boom – simple detoxing. Most people consider doing a detox for straight-up health reasons like – I want to kick the sugar habit; I want to get back into my skinny jeans; I think I might be sensitive to gluten. Detoxing is a quick way to do all that. But you’ll discover quite a lot when you’re doing a detox program that can lead to detoxing other areas of your life. Dude, it’s just a cookie A vegan detox is a little radical for some people. So, while you may be excited, you might find other people in your life are not. They might question it. They might make fun of it, and you. They might even try and sabotage you by showing up at your door with fried chicken. So, are those the people you really want in your life? Think about that for a second. What’s the price of your “frenemies”? Detoxing will show you who is really in your corner and can be happy for you simply because you’re happy. Detox and Declutter Eliminating some of your go-to foods in a detox is less painful when you get them out of your house completely. Detoxers will often empty the cupboards of Nutella, chips and toss the sticks of butter and parmesan from the fridge. It’s much easier not to be tempted when those tricky things are just not around. What else is in your environment that is toxic for you (remember this is a Detox)? Stacks of magazines by the bed? A desk littered with old bills and notes? Cleaning products that feel like they’re burning off your eyebrows when you use them? When your body starts feeling lighter, you want you space lighter too. Lighter, physically and mentally Something magical happens when you detox. When you stop filling yourself with crap, you gain some wiggle room in your life. You get really familiar with how your body works and how the things you put in it affect you. Some people say their intuition gets sharper and their creativity spikes. I know when I’m into about Day 5 of a detox, I slow down and get really connected to my higher purpose and the people in my life. Have you done a detox before? What results did you see in your own life? Please share below your unexpected benefits of detoxing in the comment box below. Also, please join me in a Holiday Detox! I'll be going through my detox program with you this holiday. You'll get all the products and hand-holding you need to end 2013 feeling and looking your best. Register by November 29th to join this program with me! Click here for more information on my 7-day Detox! If this inspired you, please share it with someone else who might need it. Post it on FB, Pinterest or Tweet it. XO, Hayley   This article was originally featured on Positively Positive

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