
how to use email marketing to write an effective newsletter

Newsletters are an effective marketing tool and a great way to stay in touch with the people who visit your website, your Facebook page and your clients. They can also be used to increase your brand awareness, as the content you are putting out is more likely to be read by a multitude of people–more people that are actually visiting your site daily. Newsletters can assist with client retention and acquisition and act as an effective way of launching new products and services. If your newsletters are shared by people on your mailing list, they can be a great way of generating new business. One of the best things about sending out a newsletter, is that it allo ws you to give much more up to date and in-depth information than you may be providing on your website or in your Facebook posts. Your website is an avenue to get your prospective clients to sign up for your newsletters. Your newsletters are a way to educate your prospective clients about the benefits you are offering and thus convert them to actual clients. The other great thing about newsletters is that you already have the attention of your target audience. The people that have signed up for your newsletters are choosing to do so. They have asked you to send them information. That kind of attention cannot be beaten! Here are a few tips to help you create the most effective newsletter you can: Be consistent. Always send your newsletters the same day, whether it’s every 2 weeks, every 2 months or every Tuesday. The frequency of mailing builds familiarity, which in turn will inspire return visits. After a while, many of your customers will look forward to receiving your newsletter.   Stick to a format that reinforces your brand. If your readers can rely on your format, they will start feeling familiar with your newsletter and know where to find certain things, or even skip to the part they are most interested in. Feature your own content. If you feature your own content, people will be more inclined to trust you. Make your newsletter worth reading. Keep it short and simple and carefully choose your content. I’ve seen some newsletters where there is way too much content. You do not have to let your subscribers know every single thing that is going on in your life or with your company. Prioritize. Don’t give it all away in one newsletter. Readers don`t have time or the desire to read too much content. Incorporate your personality so that your reader gets to know you or your company’s ethos on a personal level. Be clear and concise. Keep it simple , to the point and relevant. Pick a specific topic as your focus, stick to that topic and don’t deviate. Add little extra tidbits such as freebies as icing on the cake.
Give away freebies. For example, my newsletters focus on Pilates, yoga and nutrition and lifestyle coaching, so I provide my readers with free recipes, free classes, discounts to workshops or wellness events and products with an affiliate partner I have created a relationship with.Feature satisfied customer testimonials. Include genuine quotes or video testimonials illustrating the effectiveness of your service or product. Featuring stories of your satisfied customers can be extremely persuasive to other potential clients who may just need that last little nudge. Ask for feedback from your readers. Your readers are your audience and you want to please them so they stay on your mailing list. Include a feedback form so they can get in touch with you and let you know what they are interested in hearing about. Newsletters are incredibly effective marketing tools and if constructed and implemented correctly, can yield great results for your business. Most importantly, they help provide an avenue to develop your trust and credibility. If you're interested in signing up to receive my blogs, you can do so here. To see this article on My Beak Social Media, click here.  

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