
do we Generation Y-ers have our heads in our gadgets too often?

So technically, I'm a Gen X-er. At least according to the year I was born. But some say you can have qualities of the generation before you if you were born within 7 years of that generation. So I guess I'm a Y. I text. I tweet. I post. I Pin. I don't answer my phone. The generations before me are often appalled by my behavior. My mother keeps asking my why I don't call. Because I consider it an invasion of privacy when someone calls me! The generations before me can't understand why my head is often stuck in my laptop, my eyes glued to Facebook or in my iPhone. Personally, I don't think being "online" means I am unconnected. I think it's actually a much broader form of connectedness. I have hundreds of friends wishing me a happy birthday or giving me a digital hug when they know I need it. I can be present at the birth of a friend's baby across the globe. I can offer words of inspiration and motivation to thousands of people I've never even met. Our newer forms of technology have been built by us for us, and our use of it connects us, brings us closer together and literally brings the world to our fingertips. If you don't embrace it, you'll be left in the dust. It's the wave of the future. You'll have adolescents out-smarting you and taking your jobs! Admit it- who would you're ideal "genius" be at the Apple store? Am I right? The 12 year old with tatoos all over his body? Come on Gen X'ers and Baby Boomers, I'll teach you how to edit a Word press site and create your first blog. :-)  

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